
Benny and the Jets is one of the best songs of all time, no one can deny this. When it comes on no one can resist humming along (humming was used for a reason here), and bobbing their heads to the classic  Elton John tune. But, there’s a very important question to be addressed here: does anyone know the lyrics? Anything other than when he sings the words “benny and the jets” I tend to completely improvise on the spot.

The song always comes on at the Frog. I always try to peek and people and see if they seem to be singing confidently along. That never happens. I could of sworn, Elton says “she’s got electric boobs, a blue magoo, you know I read it in a magazine”. I’m almost 99.9 % sure these aren’t even resembling anything close to the actual lyrics. And after looking it up I discovered the actual lyrics were “She’s got electric boots a mohair suit You know I read it in a magazine”. That’s much more believable. What even is a blue magoo? It’s pretty embarrassing I’ve been singing the wrong lyrics all this time. I now know where the odd looks on karaoke night stemmed from.

Come into one fat frog and let’s embarrassingly sing along together!

2416 sand lake road, orlando fl, 32809
